It’s Cruisin Time! Scarecrow Style!


Time for getting the cars ready for the new cruise season is upon us!

And some of us can’t wait for the fun to begin

And while I do a lot of the prep work it appears that the fever has hit my furry buddies too! After a day of cleaning and tuning my watchful buddy, Scarecrow, made it very clear that it was all good and that we needed to hit the streets!


It appears that while he may not be able to reach the pedals Scarecrow definitely has the window hang down solid! So the best I can say is “I’ll go grab the keys! We are heading out to cruise!”


New and Improved Bob’s Garage


I just updated the GARAGE part of BZEROB.COM

I have made the conversion from Bootstap to Bass. The css is leaner and that means quicker. I must admit it took some work but I think it was worth it.

And the new version is updated to lean down the site but also to add some new features. Like Cruise Videos and info. I will be adding some other stuff as I can get to it. There is a bit more tweaking to do for the very small screens but it is tolerable for now.

Check it out and enjoy the new view!

Bob's Garage site

Bob’s Garage site

Found a cool site!


While rummaging around on the web I found this cool site.  Not sure what to make of it yet but I will say it is creative! I like it! If you are a gearhead you gotta like this.


Just do it!


Remember that night you stayed up late watching every Crazy Town video you could find? Or when you scoured the internet for effective eye stye remedies? Google remembers those moments, but it doesn’t have to. Here’s how to scrub Google’s brain and make it forget you did any of that. Google collects information when you…

via Here’s How To Make Google Forget All Those Embarrassing Things You’ve Done Online — Consumerist

The “Roseville Cruise” is NOT a Cruise! It’s a car show!


Roseville Mi! What a bunch of tools! We will know better and not show up next year!

City of Roseville

Here is where I find that the city of Roseville was a bunch of amateur cruise wanna be’s. They changed up the format with some poor communications and stealth advertising. I find this a perfect reason not to go there and the “free cruise” label was totally misleading. And then , to top it off, when cruisers did show up they, the Roseville Police Department, took advantage of the misinformation and were passing out $300 to those who chose to cruise Gratiot. What a bunch of asshats! But I guess you have to get your revenue enhancements somehow, Right!?

Roseville’s Classics on Gratiot not a cruise

Roseville’s annual classic car event Saturday will not include any cruise whatsoever and instead will feature stationary car shows. The Roseville Heritage Foundation’s Classics on Gratiot from noon to 8 p.m. will have 25 locations along a four-mile stretch between 10 Mile and 14 Mile after the foundation decided not to hold a cruise because of poor turnout and high expenses for extra police and safety personnel in previous years. Detroit News – June 10

Well, they kinda told ya but not really well!

After more than  a few years of not being able to get it right the city of Roseville, MI decided to have a “Cruise In” rather than a “Cruise

Along the way they just kinda forgot to tell the major media that it was no longer a cruise but a car show with 25 locations in Roseville. The Roseville Gratiot Cruise page is still up on Facebook but hasn’t had any activity since March 3rd.

However, on April 4 the press release on Roseville Heritage Cruise site still touted the event as a car cruise. No mention of a car “show”

Roseville’s Gratiot Cruise will start off the cruise calendar

But it was immediately followed on the same day by this release –

For Immediate Release We’re Going Old School!

“We are excited to inform you of some changes in this year’s cruise event. The title of the 2016 event will be “Classics on Gratiot” hosted by the Roseville Heritage Foundation. Various participating events will be happening along Gratiot Ave between 10 Mile Rd & 14 Mile Rd. This will include several car shows, entertainment and venders. As it was many years ago, Gratiot Ave will have a good old fashion “Cruise In” (Open Cruise). Car enthusiasts will be able to show off the pride and joy of those beautiful classics, Hot Rods, and Customs as they “Cruise In” at various locations.”

On the Roseville Heritage Cruise site for May 5 they put up a small entry with a new poster


On June 10 the Macomb Daily posted

“Classics on Gratiot is the revised name for the Roseville Gratiot Cruise, but no cruising will be allowed. Instead, organizers have arranged a series of static car shows at bars, restaurants and shops featuring vintage vehicles, live entertainment and related events along Gratiot between 10 Mile to 14 Mile roads. Hours are noon to 8 p.m.  Macomb Daily

Consider us totally informed now and the City of Roseville has given itself a black eye so that those that didn’t want to go there before just got a taste of why they don’t want to go there again. I know I won’t!

The Patio Is Open! Ready to Party On The Patio!


Not much other than a notification that the patio is open!

Faye Dean Picked the flowers

I just reset them in the moss baskets and hung them in the hooks [ my one-legged hookers … Don’t ask! ] around the patio. I set a solar LED light in the middle of each hanging basket for some late night glow.

We still have the garden plants to go but that will bee this Friday with some help from Logan, my grandson.

Meanwhile I set the granite tops into a long side table and two smaller side tables for the patio sofa. So with a bit of the chillout blues crankin on the box and a bit of Captain Morgan and Scarecrow the demon cat keeping watch it is a soothing evening on the patio.

So pull up a chair and hang out on the patio!

A bit of buffing and sanding


* Polishing out my aluminum toolbox

I took some time yesterday and decided to polish out my newly acquired aluminum tool box. Did I have to? No! But I thought it would be cool. So I did it! After stripping all the hardware off I went goofy buffing off the whole box. I actually came out pretty nice! I will set about resetting the handle and latches later today. The bottom was pretty beat up so I will do something to protect it. I am not sure what as of yet but I will come up with something simple.

* Stripping my Coronado kit

After buffing out the toolbox I decided to keep all the power tools out and attack my Coronado kit. It was apparent that it was not taken care of and was probably in storage for a while. And it was a bit rough in spots so I attacked it with a body grinder and some wet dry. It appears that it was originally black but along the way it was partially sanded and repainted in heavy primer. And primer does not stop rust leaving the surface terrible. So I proceeded to resurface the whole unit.

While I got a large portion of it done before having to quit because my hands were killing me. So the next step will be final scuffing and the some heavy primer sealer to finish off for now. I will strip and seal the inner surface while I am at it. But it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Stay tuned! More to come!