BzeroB web redo – HTML5 and CSS3

Bob's Garage logo

Bob's Garage logo

Despite an advertised upgrade a few months ago it is now online. Really!

After a few months of wrestling with a new design based on HTML5 I believe I have it pretty much done…ish. My learning curve is getting better and the specs are becoming more prevalent so it makes far a much more stable site. Once again I have migrated to JQuery framework for my scripting but also fall back to some cool CSS3 features. I can actually get more on a page content wise. And the HTML 5 specs actually make more sense.

Since you probably got here through my site you already have had a glimpse of what is new and improved. With that said I will be cleaning up the site bugs in the next few weeks. If you stumble upon one of these flaws let me know and I will see if I can fix it. But for now “Cruise On Through

Webmaster Bob